Summer Is Almost Here: Are You Prepared For Flea Season?

Summer is commonly associated with beach vacations, outdoor barbecues, and warming temperatures. It’s the time of year when children are able to stop worrying about school and enjoy being kids. However, it’s also the time of year when fleas emerge from from their dormant state to feast on the blood of a host. Failing to prepare yourself and your family for the upcoming flea season could result in a massive infestation that makes summer just a little less enjoyable.

Why Fleas Are Worse During The Summer

The reason why fleas are worse during the summer is because they prefer the hot and humid summer climate. Fleas require a very particular type of climate to thrive, and if the temperature and humidity levels aren’t just right, they will remain in their eggs until the climate changes in their favor. Once the conditions are right, fleas will emerge from their eggs and begin their journey in search of a warm-blooded host.

Does this mean fleas only come out during the summer? Not necessarily, but they are certainly more common and problematic during the months of June to September.

Mow The Lawn

One crucial step in preparing for the upcoming flea season is to mow your lawn. Depending on the region, it’s not uncommon for backyards to grow over a foot tall in just 1-2 weeks, creating the perfect hiding spot for fleas, ticks, snakes and other animals that you probably don’t want near your home. Mowing the yard on a regular basis will eliminate this hiding spot, forcing these animals to seek comfort and security elsewhere.

If you believe fleas are entering your home through the yard, you may also want to apply a pesticide. Whether it’s granular or spray, apply a barrier of pesticide around your home to help keep these blood-sucking parasites at bay.

Vacuum Your Floors

Another preventive measure homeowners can take to prepare for the upcoming flea season is to vacuum their floors. It’s estimated that approximately half of the flea population consists of eggs; therefore, you should work to remove these eggs from your inside your home before they hatch. There’s no easier or more effective way to accomplish this than by vacuuming. A high-suction vacuum cleaner will suck up any flea eggs, leaving your floors nice and clean in the process.

Protect Your Pets

If you own cats or dogs (or both), use this time to apply a preventative flea medication, such as FrontLine Plus.